There’s something special about the bond between a family and their dog. Maybe it’s the unconditional love that both sides hold for each other, or maybe it’s something about the warm cuddles on a winter’s night. However, as all Calgary dog owners will testify, there’s a lot of work that goes into owning a pup, and the worst chore of …
Nominate a Senior or Veteran for FREE Snow Removal this December.
Starting in November, Scoop Cut N Shovel will be accepting nominations for a free month of snow removal in the month of December. The senior or veteran chosen will receive a month of unlimited snow clearing and ice management in the city of Calgary. Be a snow angel and nominate someone today! Contest Conditions:*️⃣Senior must be 55+*️⃣Unable or should not …
Awesome Things to do in your Backyard this Summer
This summer in Calgary you might be thinking about all the exciting places to go since the weather is gorgeous and the sun is shining. However, packing up the family, making all the plans, and having to deal with travelling in a hot car with little ones can kill the excitement. While there are plenty of outdoor sites you could …
The Controversial Dandelion – A Weed Control Guide
Home owners in Calgary are required to control the growth of noxious weeds and must destroy any prohibited noxious weeds on their property as regulated by the Weed Control Act. Below is a list of the common noxious and prohibited weeds in Calgary with links to more information and how to control. Blueweed Canada Thistle Common Tansy Leafy Spurge Nodding Thistle Lythraceae Scentless Chamomile Spotted …
Spring Yard Clean Up
Spring is the time of growth, renewal, and beautiful landscaping. A beautiful lawn may seem impossible right now, but it can become a reality, even after a long winter. You can begin by giving your lawn a good spring cleaning. Here are some tips to get your yard ready: Power Rake Power Raking is done to remove excess thatch that …
Pet Rescue Sign – Free Download
Ensure your pets are planned for in an emergency by placing a Pet Rescue Sign on your front door or window. Pet Rescue Signs alert neighbors, firemen and passersby that there is a pet trapped inside the house. Download our Free Pet Rescue Sign Sample