Beneficial Ways To Care and Maintain Your Lawn This Fall

cutnSHOVELdesignadminLawn Care 1 Comment

The weather in Calgary makes it hard to judge if we will get our first dump of snow before or after the leaves have fallen. Often, leaves get covered by snow and forgotten about. These dead leaves, sticks and other debris can grow mold, bacteria and become infested with diseases and insects that can harm your lawn.

Fall cleanups are often neglected, however they are one of the most
beneficial ways to care and maintain your lawn.

There are a number of ways to manage your leaves. You can mulch the leaves with your lawn mower and disperse them on your lawn. This acts as a low grade fertilizer and can be beneficial in fighting against weeds. However, if you have too many leaves on the ground, it can cause clumping while trying to mulch. These clumps take time to decompose and can have an unpleasant aroma. You can instead choose to put your leaves in paper yard waste bag and take them to one of the free leaf disposal sites in Calgary. The city dumps also offer free leaf and yard waste disposal in the fall and spring seasons.

Aeration can be beneficial to your yard and can be done in Fall before the ground freezes. By aerating, you open your lawn up for moisture from the winter snowfall. Another added benefit from aerating in the fall is you reduce the chance of spreading dandelion seeds.

It’s never too late to aerate! Call Us Today 403.818.5973

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